A crisis, a feeling of deadlock, of being stuck inside irreconcilable circumstances arises at the junction of two realities. I am mentally and physically tired to the limit, I cannot and do not want to continue working as I have always done, there is no me in it and nothing for the soul, BUT:
- Where am I going to go now - I have a family to feed?
- It's foolish to give up what I've already invested so much in
- Difficulties must be overcome
- Parents are of an age - I have to think about it, etc.
But even though I feel like I'm ready to make a change, there are no fewer questions for 45. After spending many years, I learned that the business I chose was not my story at all. It didn't add any understanding to the question of which is mine.
Often a fear is immediately triggered: to try a different path, will I need at least as much time and energy as I did last time? Will I become a specialist at 60 (is this ridiculous)? What if I choose the wrong one again? (easily, where are the guarantees? I've already chosen wrong once). It gets harder and harder to learn and master new things as we get older...